How You Can Be Happier, Helpful and More Productive Next Week

By Andrew Hinkle – Director of Consulting

1 Week…7 Days…168 Hours…10,080 Minutes…604,800 Seconds…or simply the chaotic, stress inducing blur from Sunday to Sunday.  That seems to be the general consensus, a week just isn’t enough time to do everything you want, need, or have to do.  With Americans working more hours than all other citizens in the industrialized world, we struggle to find a work/life balance that allows us to be happy, helpful and productive.  With ever increasing workloads, responsibilities and demands on our schedules, is it even possible?

As an eternal optimist, I like to think I have developed a way to answer that question with a resounding, YES!

I call it the Weekly15. This planning tool (pictured below) is designed to help you focus your weekly efforts on what really matters to you.

It kind of looks like a list,” is what you’re probably thinking. But it is much more than that. Divided into 3 sections, each week you will write down 3 Must Do’s, 5 Have To’s and 7 Need To’s.  Let’s take a look at each section and I’ll explain how they work.

3 Must Do’s:  This section is all about the YOU! What are 3 things you need to do next week for YOU to feel happy, secure, fulfilled?  Choose and commit to 3 actions that will provide a positive impact, lead to growth, or simply put a smile on your face.  Our outlook on life and the world around us begins with how we view ourselves.  Therefore, you start each week by defining what will bring you satisfaction.  The choice is totally up to you.

5 Have To’s:  In completing this section your focus will turn to the people in your life.  Each of the Have To’s should be done for the benefit of someone else.  Whether you are picking up the slack, treating someone to dinner, or simply providing an ear to listen; service without reward is the motivation.  Answer this question, what are 5 ways I can give of myself for another to succeed, improve, or feel better about their day?

7 Need To’s: We all have work tasks and responsibilities that need to get done.  That doesn’t change from week to week.  You’re reading this and thinking, “I could fill pages with the things I need to get done each week!”  That’s exactly what makes this section tough and necessary.  It isn’t designed for all that you are currently doing.  It is designed for the 7 MOST critical tasks that need to be accomplished.  To find your 7 each week you will need to ask yourself, “What are the most important responsibilities that I SHOULD be working on to move my company or department forward?” Doing so will make you examine your workload compared to your skill set and job duties.  Are your best skills always being utilized?  Are you spending time on tasks that others could do?  Now, I’m not suggesting that you should only work on the 7 tasks you write down.  Rather that you need to define what they are, commit to them and act. In doing so you will undoubtedly list tasks that will require more than a week, month, or quarter to complete. That’s ok!  Leave them on your list until done.  But, by first identifying where your efforts and skills are most needed and beneficial, you can then create a plan of action and begin executing.

So, now you know how to fill it out.  But if you don’t mind reading a little more, let me explain why you should use it.

With all that you have going on, it can be hard to know where to devote your time and energy.  The Weekly15 helps clear the confusion by simplifying and directing the focus on what you feel will be most beneficial.  Rather than struggle to juggle everything that’s thrown your way.  You can create a road map each week with an eye on being a better you, a dedicated friend and family member, as well as a more productive worker.  Utilizing the 15 over time can also help to develop the habits of self improvement, empathy, generosity, productive delegation, and many others.

If you’re thinking that you would like to give it a try, just let us know.  We are more than happy to provide a Free PDF that you can begin using week to week.

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