Breaking Free of Gravity

By Dan Klein, CEO

Our posts tend to be more business focused and tactical around growing a business, building a brand, attracting new clients, etc. This week I’d like to take a step back and focus on something much broader.

Have you ever noticed that it’s really hard to start something new – like building your business or making a change in your life? Every wonder why? Apart from the logistics in thinking through and planning this new set of activities there is something larger going on…

It’s because the universe wants you to fail. Not because it doesn’t like you, so don’t take it personally. Let me explain:

Here’s the logic – when you look to elevate something in your life (business or personal), you are changing the baseline of where you are at that point in time. For example, if you want to start a business you’ve never had before, you’re not used to having that business and that’s your starting point. Whenever you look to rise or grow in some way you will encounter gravity – it’s how the universe operates. Keeping us pulled to an existing idea, habit, business, lifestyle, thought (you get it) applies not only in the physical world but also in the way you think.

The effort needed to go in a new direction needs extra energy because based on the laws of the universe you will be drawn back to your past state before you can break free from it. What does this look like? Self-doubt, obstacles, negative self-talk, the unwanted opinions of others (who are often too afraid of doing things themselves), large challenges that seem like you can’t get past them…” most new small businesses fail, right?” That’s how the universe works – not in a mean way – it’s just The Way.

Understand that when you encounter challenges it is a necessary part of breaking free from your old patterns. The universe wants you to give up because then it can use that gravitational pull on some other poor soul who also wants to start or grow a business to make their life better. Through time and challenges you create your own new gravitational pull centered on your new mindset, not connected to your past starting point. Thus, releasing you from your old gravitational pull.

When you finally break free from your initial gravitational pull (through time and effort), that’s when you can soar. I believe the universe will reward your effort.

This is how gravity applies to everything, yes everything. There are additional tactics that we will cover in the future but just let this one sink in and see if it makes sense in the work you are doing.